How can a relocation service help?
In most cases of relocation – often due to career – the man (mostly) is immediately tied up with work. This leaves little or no time for the organisation of ones private life. The choice of a suitable property is mostly chosen together but the rest is usually left to the partner, such as official paperwork, finding a school or playgroup, doctor, cleaner, local information (i.e. shop opening hours, language school etc.).
Often a different language adds a new hurdle so that even the most simple things become a challenge.
An organised and perfectly functioning household is the basis for a successful business. Every firm should assist a new employee in this step and support a successful integration. Exactly in this situation, the relocation manager is of help. To settle down in new surroundings takes time. Problems and questions arise daily.
Instead of being a hurdle, it becomes a challenge with my competent support.

Introduction to Salzburg
To choose the ideal location in a new town you will need to inform yourself of the surroundings. The easiest way is to take a drive in and around…

House hunting
I can support in the choice of home and pass on this information to the real estate agents. I will accompany you to the viewing of your selected…

Generally the move starts with a hotel and a rental car. Then the furnitures arrives. I can arrange the details, pick you up from the…

Dealing with authorities
Moving to a new location involves a lot of paperwork. I will take over the following for you or accompany you to the various authorities…

Aftermove services
Even after you have found your new home, there are still many open questions and issues to address. I am here to support and assist you…

Family needs
Once all belongings and possessions are at the new location, it’s time to address the ‘soft facts.’ Often, these present the greater challenges…

Think of me as your first new friend in a new area. Often even a short phone call is all that is needed or a quick meeting. It doesn´t matter…

A place of work is not always forever and the initial support given can also be expected on your departure. Give me the contact details of your new…
The aim of my Relocation Service
Most often, you, the spouse/partner, are left alone to handle all the organizational tasks. You long for your old surroundings, as Salzburg has not yet truly become your new home. Consider me your first new friend in the area. With my relocation service, I am here to support you before, during, and/or after your move to make settling in Salzburg easier for you and your family.

Tania Karner