
Festung Hohen Salzburg und Altstadt

Introduction to Salzburg

To choose the ideal location in a new town you will need to inform yourself of the surroundings. The easiest way is to take a drive in and around Salzburg. There I can inform you of the advantages of different areas, taking into account the partners place of work and schools for the children.

Transfer to and from the airport or station is possible at all times.

Haus auf Wiese

House hunting

I can support in the choice of home and pass on this information to the real estate agents. I will accompany you to the viewing of your selected properties. If there is any help needed with rental contracts there is a network of lawyers I can recommend.



Generally the move starts with a hotel and a rental car. Then the furnitures arrives. I can arrange the details, pick you up from the airport, bring you to the hotel and be there for you on the day of the move, if a language problem arises. If you move into a furnished object I can organise the cleaning or technical check.

I can help to find a storage room if you have too much furniture or accompany you to purchase furniture if you do not have enough.


Dealing with authorities

Moving to a new location involves a lot of paperwork. I will take over the following for you or accompany you to the various authorities:

Schloss Hellbrunn von oben

Aftermove services

Even after you have found your new home, there are still many open questions and issues to address. I am here to support and assist you with these matters, which may include:

Fiaker vor der Festung Hohen Salzburg

Family needs

Once all belongings and possessions are at the new location, it’s time to address the ‚soft facts.‘ Often, these present the greater challenges.

Frau mit Telefon in der Hand


Think of me as your first new friend in a new area. Often even a short phone call is all that is needed or a quick meeting.

 It doesn´t matter why, you have my telephone number – call me!

Festung Hohen Salzburg vor Berge


A place of work is not always forever and the initial support given can also be expected on your departure. Give me the contact details of your new Relocation-Manager so I can coordinate moving and organizational appointments as well as initiate all necessary cancelations in Salzburg.

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